Columns is the official magazine of Alpha Epsilon Phi, published each fall and spring and sent to all collegians, alumnae volunteers, donors, subscribers, interfraternal partners and friends, and fraternity and sorority professionals and vice presidents of student affairs on campuses with AEPhi chapters.

The magazine debuted in November 1917 and was then known as the Alpha Epsilon Phi Quarterly. The name was changed to Columns by the late 1920s.  Over the years, Columns has relayed the latest in AEPhi news – award winners, chapter updates, alumnae news and informative feature stories on topics of importance to both alumnae and collegians.

You can get an annual subscription to Columns by making a donation to the AEPhi Foundation.

Send your personal or chapter news to the Columns editor. For general questions regarding Columns, click here.

Read the most recent copy here!